Thoughts from me - a preacher's wife, farmer's daughter, mom, and nurse. Posts are mainly intended to help me journal the events of my life - topics will include kids, church, work, marriage, life in general,
and of course my dogs . . . and whatever else I feel compelled to write about.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

1 am

VBS is over for this year - the church is clean and set up for Sunday. I should be tired, but thanks to the McDonald's Iced Coffee I drank at 11:00 pm - I'm wide awake.

It's funny the things your mind starts thinking about when you're trying to fall asleep. I was lying in bed listening to Brian snore and thinking about everything from things that happened in VBS, to furniture I want to somehow convince Brian to rearrange tomorrow, to recipes I want to try, to curtains I want to make (who am I kidding - curtains I want my mom to make for me), to the scary bug I saw run across the dining room floor today, to Hershey (the cat) at the end of the bed sucking on the blanket, to the pregnancy test I didn't take Friday as planned but might take when I wake up - that is if I can ever actually fall asleep!

I'm not sure if I will take the test when I wake up or not. Brian has looked forward to sleeping in on Saturday all week, I don't want to do anything to mess that up.

I think I will wait to take it on Sunday - my 38th birthday! Maybe the pee stick will be good to me on my birthday!

Starting to hope again.

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