Thoughts from me - a preacher's wife, farmer's daughter, mom, and nurse. Posts are mainly intended to help me journal the events of my life - topics will include kids, church, work, marriage, life in general,
and of course my dogs . . . and whatever else I feel compelled to write about.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Psalm

Crazy how fast life changes.

Slowing down and enjoying the season we are in is hard. Microwaves, cell phones, high speed internet . . . we live fast paced.

Dangerous ground, especially for Believers.

Rarely are we quiet.

Rarely do we take time to meditate . . . to digest . . . God's Word.

This is something I am trying to change in my life. Studying some of the Psalms and doing my best to meditate on them and digest them has resulted in a Psalm of my own.

Broaden my vision, Lord.
Enlarge me in my distress.
Give me peace - shalom.
Let me sleep knowing that You neither slumber nor sleep.
You are God who sits in high places.
You are in control; let me remember that.

Lord, work things together for good.
Heal brokenness . . . soften hearts.
Quiet evil doers.
Be the Balm of Gilead to those in need.
Convict where there is sin. Change the heart of the hard.
Comfort the hurting. Silence the gossips.
Restore fellowship where it is broken.
Break the teeth of the liars.
Strengthen the faith of the weak - even mine.
Give encouragement to me in my need.
Show yourself mighty and strong and let my eyes be open to see it.

Thank you for your protection and your watch care over us.
Thank you for being outside of time and circumstances.
Thank you for being holy and pure, righteous and just.
Thank you for your perfect love.

Help me trust you in all things - even with my children.
Thank you for them.
Keep their hearts right. Let them serve you.
Guide them in all they do.
Keep them pure. Guard their hearts.

Forgive me for doubting you - for doubting your love for me.
Forgive me for my hardness and callousness against you.
Thank you for loving me despite my unfaithfulness;
despite my idolatry and worship of myself and what I desire.

You have blessed me even though I am unworthy of blessings.
You have loved me despite the fact that I am unlovable.
You have saved me even though I deserve Hell.

Lord, let me walk in truth.
Like you, let there be no darkness in me.
Grow me, sanctify me, purify me.
Refine me - pour off the dross.
Let me be more like You.
Let my life bear fruit.
Let me live for You all the days of my life.

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